
Undergraduate CORE General Education

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Undergraduate CORE General Education

2024 Summer Term


  • This course listing is informational and does not guarantee availability for registration.
  • Please click through to view the class schedule to see sections offered for your selected term.
  • Sections may be full or not open for registration. Please use WINS if you wish to register for a course.

3 Units


CORE 110

This course exposes students to the areas of Dance, Music, Theatre, and Visual Art. Students will gain insight into the basic components of the arts, the role of art in society, and be given an historical perspective on art. Students will attend performing arts events and see work in the gallery context. Both western and non-western arts will be explored.

3 Units


CORE 120

This course examines major trends in the economic, political, and sociocultural history of the world since the nineteenth century. Students are encouraged to draw on multiple perspectives to develop a comparative framework for understanding the origins of current global issues and the changing role of the US in the world.

3 Units


CORE 130

This course critically examines how people influence and are affected by their social worlds from the perspectives of anthropology, psychology, sociology and women's studies. The course focuses on how we experience life as individuals and as members of cultural systems that shape our personalities, behavior, and perceptions of the world. May not be taken on an S/NC grade basis.

3 Units


CORE 140

This course introduces students to key terms, concepts, issues and relationships in economics, geography and political science. The course investigates how increasing globalization impacts issues such as the authority and competence of the nation-state, population growth and migration, economic development and trade and patterns of international cooperation and conflict. May not be taken on an S/NC grade basis.

3 Units


CORE 390

This course examines themes and issues that have had a significant impact upon the world's civilizations. Readings will focus on primary texts representing major historical periods, world cultures, and diverse perspectives. This course will stress critical and analytical thought, drawing upon knowledge obtained in this and earlier core courses. May not be taken on a satisfactory/no credit grade basis.

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