
Undergraduate Health &Excercise Sci-Rock Cou

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Undergraduate Health &Excercise Sci-Rock Cou

2023 Fall Term


  • This course listing is informational and does not guarantee availability for registration.
  • Please click through to view the class schedule to see sections offered for your selected term.
  • Sections may be full or not open for registration. Please use WINS if you wish to register for a course.

1 Units


HES 032

Beginning Fencing provides a survey of all three modern (Olympic) sport fencing disciplines: foil, epee, and sabre. Students learn fundamental footwork, attacks, parries, target areas, tempo, distance, terminology, and refereeing. Open to all students.

1 Units


HES 046

An activity course which introduces the techniques of performing basic asanas (exercises) and purposeful breathing. Extra emphasis is given to toning the body, using deep muscle isometrics, and concentration in relaxation and better mental attitudes.

1 Units


HES 123

Examines the causes and prevention of cardiovascular disease and related illnesses. Recognition of cardiovascular emergencies and first aid procedures for adults, children and infants are fully explored. Proficiency in checking victims, clearing obstructed airways, rescue breathing, CPR and AED will be tested through skill practice. American Red Cross or American Heart Association certification will be earned.

2 Units


HES 127

A contemporary examination of the effects of lifestyle, wellness, and health promotion on the individual. Includes instruction in procedures for self evaluation as well as individualization of exercise prescription for the development of fitness. Participation in a planned program of aerobic activity is required.

3 Units


HES 209

This course will examine the basic principles of nutrition, digestion, and metabolism and the effects of these principles on one's diet, weight, fitness level, and overall health. The functions, requirements, and applications of nutrients and nutritional needs throughout the life cycle will be studied. The course will also include the basic knowledge and application of nutrient recommendations, dietary guidelines, and interrelationships of foods. It will also examine the issues of alternative nutrition, food safety, and eating disorders. The course will include personal diet assessment and development of personal health goals.

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