Undergraduate Lecture Forum-Rock County
Undergraduate Lecture Forum-Rock County
2022 Spring Term
- This course listing is informational and does not guarantee availability for registration.
- Please click through to view the class schedule to see sections offered for your selected term.
- Sections may be full or not open for registration. Please use WINS if you wish to register for a course.
LEC 100
A course that helps students make the transition to college by promoting active learning as well as student involvement and responsibility in the learning process, assisting students in the development of life management skills, and engaging students on campus. Each LEC 100 section incorporates a specific subject of inquiry. Consult the campus course schedule for additional Information.
LEC 190
A course that helps students make the transition to college by promoting active learning as well as student involvement and responsibility in the learning process, assisting students in the development of life management skills, and engaging students on campus. Each LEC 190 section incorporates a specific subject of inquiry related to a liberal arts discipline.