
Undergraduate Engineering-Rock County

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Undergraduate Engineering-Rock County

2022 Spring Term


  • This course listing is informational and does not guarantee availability for registration.
  • Please click through to view the class schedule to see sections offered for your selected term.
  • Sections may be full or not open for registration. Please use WINS if you wish to register for a course.

3 Units


EGR 105

This course is designed to equip engineering students with the necessary tools & background Info to prepare them to be successful engineering students as well as a successful practicing engineer. Topics covered in this course include Proj. Mgmt., team work, technical writing, working with data & using spreadsheets, creating presentations, engineering design, & a thorough underst&ing of the engineering profession.

3 Units


EGR 110

(Previously GRA 110) An Introductory course in engineering graphics focusing on graphical communication. Topics include descriptive geometry elements, visualization, engineering drawing techniques, orthographic Proj.ion, pictorial representation, auxiliary views, section views, & basic dimensioning. The course incorporates computer aided drafting (CAD) with engineering applications using 2-D drawing & 3-D modeling techniques.

3 Units


EGR 201

(Previously MEC 201) Principles of mechanics, force systems, equilibrium, structures, distributed forces, moments of inertia of areas, & friction. The course will serve the requirements of the several engineering curricula.

3 Units


EGR 202

(Previously MEC 202) Kinematics, force-mass-acceleration relations, work & energy, impulse & momentum, & moments of inertia of mass. This course will serve the requirements of the several engineering curricula.

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