Undergraduate Philosophy-Rock County
Undergraduate Philosophy-Rock County
2020 Summer Term
- This course listing is informational and does not guarantee availability for registration.
- Please click through to view the class schedule to see sections offered for your selected term.
- Sections may be full or not open for registration. Please use WINS if you wish to register for a course.
PHI 202
(PHI 202 & GSW 202 are the same course.) An Intro to feminist philosophies through a study & critique of traditional & feminist views about women, their lives, society, & knowledge, with particular attention to theories of women's oppression.
PHI 237
An examination of the philosophical issues that emerge from the world of technology in which we live. Topics may include: freedom, censorship, privacy, equality, democratic participation, intellectual property, education, law enforcement, institutional change, work, & all the personal & public choices about technology & its use with which we are confronted today