
Graduate Business Administration

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Graduate Business Administration

2024 Summer Term


  • This course listing is informational and does not guarantee availability for registration.
  • Please click through to view the class schedule to see sections offered for your selected term.
  • Sections may be full or not open for registration. Please use WINS if you wish to register for a course.

3 Units


DBA 830

This course introduces advanced concepts in the theory and practice of regression analysis, with an emphasis on practical skills. Topics covered in this class include testing for mediation, two stage least squares, random effects models, logistic regression and time series models. This course will enable students to conduct research using advanced regression techniques.

3 Units


DBA 970

This course gives students the ability to conduct an in-depth study of the topics they are interested in and work closely with a faculty member. Students develop an integrated review paper that provides an overview of the state of knowledge, identify gaps in the literature and propose interesting research directions.

1-6 Units


DBA 988

Students develop essays to investigate business problems that are of strategic importance to a firm/organization. A dissertation proposal must be completed and approved by the student's disseration committee before the student moves on to collect data in the area of research. A final defense before the disseration committed is required.

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