2024 Spring Term
Physics 360
This course provides an introductory study of optical phenomena. Geometrical and physical optics beginning with a mathematical treatment of light waves and their interaction with materials. Topics also include interference diffraction, spectroscopy and spectroscopic instruments, polarization, light sources and detectors, lasers, holography, and some topics in modern optics. Three one-hour lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
Other Requirements: PREREQ: PHYSCS 324
Class Schedule
- This schedule is informational and does not guarantee availability for registration.
- Sections may be full or not open for registration. Please use WINS if you wish to register for a course.
Section Details | Meeting Details & Topic | Instructor | Syllabus | ||
01-LAB 3673
4 Units
01/22 - 05/03 (1) | F 9:00 AM - 11:50 AM |
Steven Sahyun
01/22 - 05/03 (1) | MW 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM |
Steven Sahyun