
Undergraduate Economics

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Undergraduate Economics

2023 Summer Term


  • This course listing is informational and does not guarantee availability for registration.
  • Please click through to view the class schedule to see sections offered for your selected term.
  • Sections may be full or not open for registration. Please use WINS if you wish to register for a course.

3 Units


ECON 201

This course introduces microeconomic analysis and its application. Students examine how consumers and firms make decisions when facing scarce resources, as well as how those decisions affect market outcomes, such as prices and output. Students utilize models to understand supply and demand, theories of individual behavior and the firm, competition and monopoly and the distribution of income in society. Conventional grade basis only if this course is required in the College of Business and Economics for major.

3 Units


ECON 202

This course introduces macroeconomic analysis and its application. Students study the economy as-a-whole, analyzing and interpreting macroeconomic data on national income, unemployment, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. Basic models are utilized to understand recessions, recoveries and changes in macroeconomic data. Students use this understanding to evaluate taxes and government spending (fiscal) and interest rate (monetary) policies, as well as to identify their impacts on society. Conventional grade basis only if this course is required in the College of Business and Economics for major.

3 Units


ECON 245

This course introduces methods for utilizing data to answer questions of business, economic, social and policy interest. Students examine and interpret graphical and numerical methods of summarizing data, as well as apply probability concepts, theoretical probability distributions, sampling methods and sampling distributions. Students also calculate sample statistics, estimate population parameters, construct confidence intervals, formulate hypothesis tests and perform simple regression analysis. The skills and techniques covered allow students to effectively utilize data in the decision-making process.

3 Units


ECON 401

This course investigates international trade and investment and the patterns of commercial integration in a globalizing marketplace. Students examine theories on trade and multinational firms, barriers to trade and investment, international trade and investment agreements, as well as balance of payments, exchange rate determination, capital flows and the international consequences of national macroeconomic policy. Students will also investigate the social impacts of international economic patterns and policies throughout the course.

3 Units


ECON 404

This course focuses on the development of economic thought from the middle ages to the present. Students explore the ideas, influence and historical context of individual economic thinkers, as well as examine the primary schools of thought including classical, neoclassical, socialist, institutional and Keynesian.

1-3 Units


ECON 493

This is an opportunity for an economics student to gain practical experience in a business, bank, government, non-profit organization before graduation. The experience will supplement the students' academic work in preparation for a career. Instructor Consent required.

1-3 Units


ECON 498

Study of a selected topic or topics under the direction of a faculty member. Repeatable. Department Consent required.

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