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2018 Spring Term
4 Units
Mathematics 41
A course for those who need to strengthen their basic algebra skills. Topics include properties of the real numbers, linear and quadratic equations, linear inequalities, exponents, polynomials, rational and radical expressions, and systems of linear equations. The course credits count towards the semester credit load and GPA, but are not included in the 120 credit graduation requirement.
Class Schedule
- This schedule is informational and does not guarantee availability for registration.
- Sections may be full or not open for registration. Please use WINS if you wish to register for a course.
Section Details |
Meeting Details & Topic |
Instructor |
Syllabus |
01-LEC 1755
4 Units
01/22 - 05/11
MW 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
John Reilly
01/22 - 05/11
TuTh 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
John Reilly
This course counts in the GPA but not in the 120 credits needed for graduation. Students are required to purchase an access code for an online homework system that will provide immediate feedback and additional support. Codes can be purchased from the University Bookstore.
02-LEC 1753
4 Units
01/22 - 05/11
MW 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM
John Reilly
01/22 - 05/11
TuTh 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM
John Reilly
This course counts in the GPA but not in the 120 credits needed for graduation. Students are required to purchase an access code for an online homework system that will provide immediate feedback and additional support. Codes can be purchased from the University Bookstore.
03-LEC 1778
4 Units
01/22 - 05/11
MTuWTh 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Lori Grady
This course counts in the GPA but not in the 120 credits needed for graduation. Students are required to purchase an access code for an online homework system that will provide immediate feedback and additional support. Codes can be purchased from the University Bookstore.
04-LEC 1728
4 Units
01/22 - 05/11
MW 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
John Reilly
01/22 - 05/11
TuTh 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
John Reilly
This course counts in the GPA but not in the 120 credits needed for graduation. Students are required to purchase an access code for an online homework system that will provide immediate feedback and additional support. Codes can be purchased from the University Bookstore.
05-LEC 1798
4 Units
01/22 - 05/11
MTuWTh 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
Lori Grady
This course counts in the GPA but not in the 120 credits needed for graduation. Students are required to purchase an access code for an online homework system that will provide immediate feedback and additional Bbookstore.
06-LEC 1780
4 Units
01/22 - 05/11
MTuWTh 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Lori Grady
This course counts in the GPA but not in the 120 credits needed for graduation. Students are required to purchase an access code for an online homework system that will provide immediate feedback and additional support. Codes can be purchased from the University Bookstore. Math 041 section 06 and 06P is a combined section.
06P-LEC 4343
4 Units
01/22 - 05/11
MTuWTh 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Lori Grady
This course counts in the GPA but not in the 120 credits needed for graduation. Students are required to purchase an access code for an online homework system that will provide immediate feedback and additional support. Codes can be purchased from the University Bookstore. Math 041 section 06 and 06P is a combined section. This section is restricted to students in the Pathways program.